By Joseph Bergrath, 5-14-08. The problem with taking the government to court is that the courts were taken over years ago by the ABA. Our present system is based on admiralty law and not common law that our country was based on. ...
Sent by Joseph Bergrath | 6:48 PM ET | 12-19-2007. I am male and young. I am married, 23 year old software developer. I am a resident of Dallas, Texas. I consider myself a fiscal conservative, and I am most attracted to Ron Paul's monetary and foreign policy positions. ...... I am working every day this next week (while on vacation from the college where I teach), including Christmas and New Years, and donating my earnings to Ron Paul's campaign. ...
Als bBergrath/b tatsächlich den Mund aufmachte, bremste Feltzer sofort, während seine linke Hand in die Türablage griff. Die Räder rutschten über den Asphalt. Etwas weiter hinter ihnen rollten die Busscheinwerfer auf sie zu. Feltzer steuerte den Wagen auf den b...../b I'm slouched in a cast-aluminum chair across from two men, one the manager of the bhotel/b where we're staying and the other a policeman. They're both waiting for me to explain what's become of him, my father. b.../b